ISSCR Announces New Policy Director, Eric Anthony
Keith Alm Keith Alm

ISSCR Announces New Policy Director, Eric Anthony

CHICAGO, 11 December 2017 - The ISSCR has named Eric Anthony to be its new Director of Policy. Anthony served more than eight years as staff in the U.S. Congress, most recently as legislative director for Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut. He will join the Society in early January 2018.

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Policy Keith Alm Policy Keith Alm

ISSCR Applauds the FDA Announcement of New Guidelines for Cellular Therapies and Cell-based Tissue Products

The ISSCR commends the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for reaffirming its regulatory authority over stem cell biologics and clarifying the criteria that determine which cell-based products fall under its oversight. These guidance documents will provide greater transparency for patients, medical professionals, and law enforcement authorities, about the legal status of stem cell treatments in the U.S.

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ISSCR Comments on Horizon Europe
Policy Keith Alm Policy Keith Alm

ISSCR Comments on Horizon Europe

The ISSCR has responded to the European Commission proposal and the European Parliament's amendments for Horizon Europe, the seven-year research and innovation funding program to follow Horizon 2020. In its recommendations, the society prioritzied the following…

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ISSCR Responds to FDA Announcement of Enforcement Direction for Stem Cell Treatments
Policy Keith Alm Policy Keith Alm

ISSCR Responds to FDA Announcement of Enforcement Direction for Stem Cell Treatments

The ISSCR commends the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its policy direction and enforcement efforts, announced today, to provide “bright lines and appropriate oversight” when regulating stem cell treatments and regenerative medicine. The agency reported its enforcement actions against clinics in California and Florida offering unproven stem cell therapies, and announced pending policy and regulatory efforts against these practices.

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