ISSCR Comments on U.S. Study to Correct Disease Genes in Human Embryos
Keith Alm Keith Alm

ISSCR Comments on U.S. Study to Correct Disease Genes in Human Embryos

A study published 2 August, 2017 in the scientific journal Nature details the first use of CRISPR technology in the U.S. to correct a disease-causing genetic defect in very early stage human embryos created through in vitro fertilization. The embryos were not used for reproductive purposes and were not allowed to develop for more than a few days.

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ISSCR Opposes U.S. Ban on Federal Funding for Fetal Tissue Research - Updated 18 July, 2017
Keith Alm Keith Alm

ISSCR Opposes U.S. Ban on Federal Funding for Fetal Tissue Research - Updated 18 July, 2017

The ISSCR opposes a provision of the U.S. House of Representatives Labor-HHS-Education FY18 Appropriations bill that would ban federal funding for fetal tissue research. In a letter sent to members of the House Committee on Appropriations, and signed by other scientific and medical organizations, the ISSCR says that, if enacted, this legislation would severely impede research that is necessary for the development of new treatments for a wide range of serious and incurable diseases. It would have a devastating effect on the future of biomedical advances and regenerative medicine.

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Hans Clevers Becomes President of the ISSCR
Press Release Keith Alm Press Release Keith Alm

Hans Clevers Becomes President of the ISSCR

The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) is pleased to announce Hans Clevers, Hubrecht Institute, the Netherlands, as the incoming president of the ISSCR and its board of directors. Clevers assumes the post immediately following the 15th ISSCR Annual Meeting in Boston, 14-17 June, 2017.

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Keith Alm Keith Alm

Letter to Texas House of Representatives, U.S., Opposing Legislation It Says Would Put Patients at Risk

Dear Texas Representative,

The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), the leading professional organization of stem cell science and regenerative medicine, opposes House Bill 661, House Bill 810, and House Bill 3236, which would allow investigational agents to be sold to patients without first providing rigorous evidence of safety and efficacy. This would put patients at serious risk of harm from unproven treatments. [This letter has been sent to all members of the Texas House of Representatives].

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ISSCR Expresses Concern over FY2018 Budget Proposal in U.S.
Keith Alm Keith Alm

ISSCR Expresses Concern over FY2018 Budget Proposal in U.S.

The FY2018 Discretionary Budget Plan put forward by the U.S. Administration includes dramatic cuts in funding for science and research programs that would threaten biomedical research and its translation into new therapies for millions of people worldwide. Recent advances in stem cell research, gene therapy, genomics, and cancer biology have created unprecedented opportunities to create new treatments for human disease. Yet the 20 percent funding reduction for the National Institutes of Health in the administration’s proposal would slow the development of new cures and cause long-term damage to the U.S. research infrastructure and to public health efforts around the world.

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