Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation: 2021-2022: A Year in Review
Message from the President Keith Alm Message from the President Keith Alm

Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation: 2021-2022: A Year in Review

As the ISSCR turns 20 this year, it is humbling to reflect on the exceptional stem cell achievements during that time and the many contribution of our Society. We can celebrate the curiosity, ingenuity, and persistence of our members that has yielded significant advances in stem cell research and regenerative medicine since those early days.

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The ISSCR Endorses the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research’s FY 2023 Recommendations
Policy Kym Kilbourne Policy Kym Kilbourne

The ISSCR Endorses the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research’s FY 2023 Recommendations

To promote the sustained, robust growth necessary to make consequential progress against pressing health challenges, in fiscal year (FY) 2023, the Ad Hoc Group recommends a program level of at least $49.048 billion for the NIH base budget, which would represent an increase of $4.1 billion over the comparable FY 2022 funding level (an increase of $3.5 billion or 7.9% in the NIH appropriation plus funding from the 21st Century Cures Act for specific initiatives).

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