Find Your Niche at ISSCR 2021
Keith Alm Keith Alm

Find Your Niche at ISSCR 2021

Each year, we ask our members what they like best about the ISSCR Annual Meeting. Each year, we hear the same thing: it is the single most comprehensive, influential meeting in our field.

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The ISSCR Joins Coalition Letter Supporting NIH Funding
Policy Keith Alm Policy Keith Alm

The ISSCR Joins Coalition Letter Supporting NIH Funding

The ISSCR joined 360 members of the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research to share recommendations for National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding for 2022. The letter stresses the need for reliable annual funding support for the NIH a key national priority. The Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research represents patient groups, scientific societies, research and academic institutions, health professionals, educators, and industry,

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The ISSCR Urges HHS to Rescind the Proposed Rule on Human Fetal Tissue Research
Policy Keith Alm Policy Keith Alm

The ISSCR Urges HHS to Rescind the Proposed Rule on Human Fetal Tissue Research

94 Scientific, Medical, and Patient Organizations Sign-on to Comment LetterThe ISSCR has submitted comments urging the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to withdraw the proposed rule (RIN 0991-AC-15) on extramural research involving human fetal tissue (HFT). Among other key points, the letter states that the proposed rule would impede promising biomedical research that could lead to new treatments for serious diseases, including COVID-19.

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A New Frontier
Message from the President Keith Alm Message from the President Keith Alm

A New Frontier

Message from the President, Christine MummeryWe are entering a new frontier of stem cell science and regenerative medicine. With it, comes new technology, insight, and greater biological understanding. So too, comes tough questions and challenges — ethics, regulation, equitable access to name a few.

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