Lawrence Goldstein Policy Fellows Announced
Keith Alm Keith Alm

Lawrence Goldstein Policy Fellows Announced

The ISSCR is pleased to announce the recipients of the inaugural Lawrence Goldstein Policy Fellowship, Mohamed Abou El-Enein, PhD (Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany) and Zubin Master, PhD (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, U.S.).

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ISSCR Policy Advocacy in Action
Keith Alm Keith Alm

ISSCR Policy Advocacy in Action

Polices created by legislators and regulators can have a profound impact on stem cell and biomedical research and the development of new treatments. While individual researchers may feel vulnerable to new policies and powerless to change them alone, the ISSCR represents a collective and influential voice of over 4,000 stem cell scientists, clinicians, and professionals that is having an impact.

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The ISSCR Releases Informed Consent Standard for Stem Cell-based Interventions
Press Release Keith Alm Press Release Keith Alm

The ISSCR Releases Informed Consent Standard for Stem Cell-based Interventions

12 August 2019 -- The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) today released a professional standard of informed consent for stem cell-based interventions performed outside of formal clinical trials, such as the unapproved and unproven “treatments” offered by clinicians at direct-to-consumer clinics. The standard is meant to help ensure that patients are informed about the potential benefits and risks of stem cell-based medical interventions, and was developed with input from clinicians, ethicists, researchers, and regulators from around the world.

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