Lawrence Goldstein Policy Fellows Announced

The ISSCR is pleased to announce the recipients of the inaugural Lawrence Goldstein Policy Fellowship, Mohamed Abou El-Enein, PhD (Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany) and Zubin Master, PhD (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, U.S.).

This policy fellowship, named for long-time ISSCR member and policy stalwart Lawrence Goldstein, is designed to train scientists to become stem cell policy advocates. Recipients will gain hands-on experience in policy work including serving as ex-officio members of the ISSCR policy committee, participating in ISSCR advocacy outreach activities in their region of the world, and working with the committee on projects, policy messaging and communications.

The Goldstein Policy Fellows come from Europe and the U.S. and have extensive interests in science policy and regulatory issues. Dr. Abou El-Enein, the head of Clinical & Regulatory Affairs Platform at the Berlin Center for Advanced Therapies (BeCAT) and a Professor of Clinical Development of Regenerative Medicine is involved in designing and navigating the regulatory landscape of human clinical trials. Dr. Master is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Ethics and has experience in governmental health policy with Health Canada and has carried over those interests to his academic study on the translation of stem cell and regenerative medicine research to improve the health and treatment options for patients. Both fellows have published on unproven stem cell products.

“Drs. Abou El-Enein and Master are outstanding candidates to launch this program. They have demonstrated an academic interest in science policy and a commitment to the public service required to apply these policies and engage regulators. I look forward to working with them.” said the fellowships
namesake, Dr. Larry Goldstein.

“I am confident that Mohammed and Zubin will become excellent policy and regulatory advocates for the ISSCR and the field,” said Deepak Srivastava, ISSCR President. “Their commitment and energy will support our efforts to expand the reach of our policy and advocacy program to support stem cell science and its responsible translation to the clinic around the world.” 

Learn more about Dr. Abou El-Enein in this month’s ISSCR Member Spotlight. Dr. Master will be profiled in the November ISSCR Member Spotlight.


ISSCR Comments on Brazil’s Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products Regulation


ISSCR Policy Advocacy in Action