Advocating for Regulations that Facilitate Safe and Efficacious Therapies

Advocating for Regulations that Facilitate Safe and Efficacious Therapies

Last December, nearly 40 professionals with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gathered with ISSCR leaders to discuss advances in the development of stem cell therapies. The attendance of FDA leaders – Peter Marks, Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Celia Witten, Deputy Director, CBER, and Wilson Bryan, Director, Office of Tissues and Advanced Therapies (OTAT) – signals how important it is for the agency to discuss scientifically informed recommendations from the ISSCR as new stem cell-based therapies advance.

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The Future Starts with Collaboration
Message from the President Keith Alm Message from the President Keith Alm

The Future Starts with Collaboration

Welcome to 2022, a new year that we hope will bring a new chance for us to come together. While for many of us this still seems problematic given the current situation, we will continue as a Society to facilitate your ability to continue to collaborate via our virtual programming, meetings, and social media. Indeed, the need to collaborate is more important than ever.

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Major Advances and a 20 Year Celebration Ahead
Message from the President Keith Alm Message from the President Keith Alm

Major Advances and a 20 Year Celebration Ahead

Stem cell research is in a position of major transition. With an increasing number of stem cell products now reaching the market, we are on the brink of seeing stem cell-based products for a wide variety of conditions. These advances must remain founded on the highest quality fundamental stem cell research incorporating the technological advances in imaging, genomics, bioengineering, gene-editing, data science and synthetic biology.

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