The ISSCR Provides Comments on FDA’s Draft Guidance for Potency Assurance for Cellular and Gene Therapy Products 
Announcements, Policy Kym Kilbourne Announcements, Policy Kym Kilbourne

The ISSCR Provides Comments on FDA’s Draft Guidance for Potency Assurance for Cellular and Gene Therapy Products 

On 5 March 2023, the ISSCR submitted comments on the Food and Drug Administration’s draft guidance for Potency Assurance for Cellular and Gene Therapy (CGT) Products. ISSCR appreciates FDA’s commitment to assuring the potency of human CGT products at all stages of the product lifecycle. This guidance from the FDA will help our members, who are at the forefront of research and innovation, in their work.

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Bayer and BlueRock Therapeutics Join the City of Hamburg and Life Sciences Nord to Co-Sponsor ISSCR 2024 in Hamburg, Germany
Announcements Kym Kilbourne Announcements Kym Kilbourne

Bayer and BlueRock Therapeutics Join the City of Hamburg and Life Sciences Nord to Co-Sponsor ISSCR 2024 in Hamburg, Germany

Find your inspiration at ISSCR 2024, The Global Stem Cell Event, taking place 10-13 July 2024 in Hamburg, Germany. The international stem cell community’s most anticipated event of the year showcases impactful research and clinical applications in a field that is driving clinical advances with the potential to bring new approaches to alleviating intractable diseases and disorders.

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Highlight from Stem Cell Reports: New Type of Stem Cells Contains Potential for Knee Cartilage Regeneration in Arthritic Mice
Press Release Kym Kilbourne Press Release Kym Kilbourne

Highlight from Stem Cell Reports: New Type of Stem Cells Contains Potential for Knee Cartilage Regeneration in Arthritic Mice

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a debilitating joint disease which affects over 500 million people worldwide, with trends increasing as populations age. OA is caused by progressive, irreversible degeneration of joint cartilage, leading to pain, swelling and immobility in the affected joint. Current therapies focus on symptom relief but cannot restore degenerated cartilage.

A potentially alternative treatment is the regeneration of cartilage from stem cells. Importantly, not all types of stem cells can make cartilage and earlier clinical trials with mesenchymal stem or stromal cells (MSCs) obtained did not convincingly show that MSCs make new cartilage when given to OA patients.

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New Podcast Episode. Human Fetal Tissue: A Legacy of Biomedical Research Contributions 
Announcements Kym Kilbourne Announcements Kym Kilbourne

New Podcast Episode. Human Fetal Tissue: A Legacy of Biomedical Research Contributions 

The ISSCR, led by its Public Policy Committee, have been tireless champions and advocates for sound science policy across the globe. This includes advocacy for fetal tissue research and working to inform policymakers and the public on the vast medical applications and advances that have, and will, come from the use of HFT in biomedical research. Towards that end, the ISSCR and the Lawrence Goldstein Policy Fellows have authored a recent paper in Stem Cell Reports entitled, Human Fetal Tissue is Critical for Biomedical Research that is the subject of this episode.

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