Advocating for Regulations that Facilitate Safe and Efficacious Therapies

Advocating for Regulations that Facilitate Safe and Efficacious Therapies

Last December, nearly 40 professionals with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gathered with ISSCR leaders to discuss advances in the development of stem cell therapies. The attendance of FDA leaders – Peter Marks, Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Celia Witten, Deputy Director, CBER, and Wilson Bryan, Director, Office of Tissues and Advanced Therapies (OTAT) – signals how important it is for the agency to discuss scientifically informed recommendations from the ISSCR as new stem cell-based therapies advance.

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Lorenz Studer Receives the 2022 ISSCR Achievement Award
Awards Keith Alm Awards Keith Alm

Lorenz Studer Receives the 2022 ISSCR Achievement Award

Skokie, IL—The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) will award its 2022 Achievement Award to Lorenz Studer, M.D., Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK), USA. The prize recognizes the transformative body of work of an investigator that has had a major impact on the field of stem cell research or regenerative medicine. Dr. Studer will be recognized and will present his research on 17 June during Plenary V: Disentangling Single Cell Contributions to Organogenesis and Pathology beginning at 5:15 p.m. Pacific Time during ISSCR 2022 San Francisco + Virtual, the world’s leading meeting of global innovators in stem cell science and regenerative medicine.

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Sean J. Morrison Receives the 2022 ISSCR Public Service Award
Keith Alm Keith Alm

Sean J. Morrison Receives the 2022 ISSCR Public Service Award

Skokie, IL— The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) is honoring Sean J. Morrison, Ph.D., Director of Children’s Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern (CRI), USA, with the 2022 ISSCR Public Service Award. The prize recognizes the outstanding contributions of public service to the fields of stem cell research and regenerative medicine. The award will be presented at the Presidential Symposium on 15 June during ISSCR 2022 San Francisco + Virtual, the world’s leading meeting of global innovators in stem cell science and regenerative medicine.

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