Our Common Fascination Unites Us
Keith Alm Keith Alm

Our Common Fascination Unites Us

The past 20 years has seen such enormous change in stem cell science, some of which has changed our view of biology. When ISSCR began, induced pluripotency was unheard of and technologies such as RNAseq, single cell profiling, CRISPR-based gene editing, and rapid whole genome sequencing had not arrived.

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From Publishing Great Science to Hosting a Dance Party
Keith Alm Keith Alm

From Publishing Great Science to Hosting a Dance Party

“When she showed me this data first I think my reaction was it can’t be true, there must be something wrong,” said Marius Wernig, PhD, Stanford University USA during a recent episode of our new podcast, The Stem Cell Report, Transcription Factor Dance Party - Building Dopaminergic Neurons. Dr. Wernig’s reaction to a colleague’s research is just one of many stand-out moments from my conversations with stem cell scientists who publish in our open access society journal. The podcast uncovers the stories beyond the science from researchers advancing the field, sharing context you won’t find anywhere else.

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