ISSCR Announces Endorsement for California Initiative to Fund Stem Cell Research ​
Keith Alm Keith Alm

ISSCR Announces Endorsement for California Initiative to Fund Stem Cell Research ​

The ISSCR announces its endorsement for the California initiative to invest $5.5 billion in stem cell research to continue the research and development of new therapies for life-threatening and devastating diseases. The new initiative will build on the historic $3 billion investment made by California in 2004, which created the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) and established the state as a leader in the field. While stem cell research holds enormous potential, more research is needed to develop and test safe and effective stem cell-based treatments…

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Member Spotlight: Rana Dajani, PhD
Member Spotlight Hunter Reed Member Spotlight Hunter Reed

Member Spotlight: Rana Dajani, PhD

“The current focus of my work is the epigenetics of trauma and whether trauma can be inherited across generations. Exploring new hypotheses to explain nature around us is thrilling and exhilarating. Science is the only frontier that never ends and is continuously evolving. There is no limit to human curiosity”.

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