The ISSCR Signs Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research Coalition Letter on NIH to President-elect Biden

The ISSCR joined with the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research and 349 member organizations representing patients, clinicians, scientists, educators, academic institutions, research organizations, and industry, in a letter thanking President-elect Joseph R. Biden, Jr. for his steadfast support for science. The letter states, "As the oldest coalition advocating for the federal investment in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and biomedical, bioengineering, behavioral, and social science research, we are grateful that you support increased and sustainable funding growth for the NIH as part of $300 billion in new research and development investments in your Build Back Better plan."

Read the letter.


The ISSCR Shared Comments on Hong Kong’s Draft Guidance for Cell and Tissue Products


Member Spotlight: Joshua Currie, PhD