The ISSCR Forms Embryo Models Working Group
Press Release, Policy Kym Kilbourne Press Release, Policy Kym Kilbourne

The ISSCR Forms Embryo Models Working Group

Since the ISSCR released its May 2021 update to the Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation, research with stem cell-based embryo models has evolved rapidly. During the extensive conversations leading up to the 2021 guidelines update, many of the embryo models that are being used today did not exist. The speed of embryo model research has resulted in new challenges for oversight committees, policymakers, funders, and journal editors grappling with how to assess the unique aspects of the science and the associated ethical and regulatory issues.

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The ISSCR Statement on New Research with Embryo Models
Press Release Kym Kilbourne Press Release Kym Kilbourne

The ISSCR Statement on New Research with Embryo Models

The ISSCR supports research with embryo models derived from human pluripotent stem cells that is conducted with scientific and ethical rigor. ISSCR encourages researchers to continue to follow the ISSCR Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation when considering research in this emerging area. Recent work presented at the ISSCR 2023 Annual Meeting in Boston, USA this month and additional research posted online as preprints shortly thereafter highlights the rapid pace of progress in the development of stem cell-based embryo models. To aid public understanding of this progress and assist the media in accurate reporting, the ISSCR provides the following information.

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The ISSCR Files Amicus Brief Supporting FDA’s Authority to Regulate Unproven Stem Cell-Based Interventions
Press Release, Policy Kym Kilbourne Press Release, Policy Kym Kilbourne

The ISSCR Files Amicus Brief Supporting FDA’s Authority to Regulate Unproven Stem Cell-Based Interventions

The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) filed an amicus curiae brief today to support the U.S. government’s appeal in U.S. v. California Stem Cell Treatment Center, Inc., a case that ruled the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cannot regulate dangerous unproven stem cell-based interventions.

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