ISSCR Advocates for Science Investment in Letter to European Commission

In a letter to the European Commission today, the ISSCR encourages the EU to spur innovation by supporting basic research and programs that foster cooperation among fundamental research endeavors across Europe. "Sustained investments in fundamental research will stimulate innovation-led growth for years to come," according to the letter, signed by ISSCR president Hans Clevers.

The letter comes as the EC establishes priorities for the 9th European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

"While we appreciate the desire to create ambitious, motivational research missions as part of [this program], we believe emphasis should be on a sustained commitment to investing in the most promising and innovative research that will foster dynamic economic growth. Much of the economic growth that h as occurred over the past generation would not have occurred without discoveries from basic research," the letter states.

Additional information is included in the complete letter from the ISSCR to the European Commission.


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