A Commitment to the “I” in ISSCR

This month the ISSCR is hosting a meeting Brazil. It is the first time we have hosted a meeting in the global south since 2012, and the upcoming event promises an opportunity to spark connections in a part of the world that is escalating its investment in stem cell science.

The ISSCR takes seriously our commitment to represent and support stem cell science Internationally. The São Paulo International Symposium, taking place 22-24 September, falls at the tail end of weeklong Stem Cell Biology course for undergraduate and graduate students that brings the highly successful ISSCR Core Concepts in Stem Cell Biology: Syllabus and Learning Guide to life. Members from our society will teach the in-person course, adapting the eight modules from the syllabus and offering participants the opportunity to present their work and learn about some of the most pressing problems for which stem cells and regenerative therapies could make a difference. The program, supported by the São Paulo School of Advanced Science, is a shining example of collaboration and response to the needs of our diverse stem cell community, providing an opportunity for trainees and early career researchers to network with leaders in the field.  It is indeed an exciting moment in our 20+ year history.

It is critical that the ISSCR continues to cultivate relationships in areas of world where stem cell science is flourishing and for which our International Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Standards for Human Stem Cell Use in Research can provide a framework to enhance rigor, oversight, and transparency in all areas of practice. Not only is the ISSCR hosting meetings in Brazil and Austria this year, in 2024 we will travel to Denmark and Singapore for international symposia and to Germany for our annual meeting. What’s more, the society already is planning for ISSCR 2025 in Hong Kong as well as several more international symposia in the works. All of this outreach contributes to an even stronger stem cell field.

It is enormously gratifying to see this continuing growth in our society across borders and disciplines. I encourage you to take a look at the upcoming slate of international programs and topics and to consider how you, too, will engage with new scientists and contemplate your next research endeavor.


Tools and Takeaways from ISSCR 2023 Career Panel


Member Spotlight: Madeline Lancaster, PhD